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Trauma Therapy & PTSD Treatment

You Can Break Free of the Chains of Past Trauma, and We are Here to Support You.

You've experienced trauma in your life. It has left you experiencing anxiety, dreaming of the incident almost every night, and feeling like you're stuck in a moment of fear. You know the incident is over, but it seems as if your mind and body are stuck in an endless cycle of fighting the events that have happened to you. You want to process the trauma but don't know where to start.

Black and white image of a man sitting with his head down. Representing someone who could benefit from PTSD treatment for symptoms of trauma in Reading, PA. A trauma therapist can bring color back into your life.Maybe you're noticing the lasting effects of trauma affecting your life. Your relationships, at work, and even when it comes to eating or sleeping are being strained by the effects of trauma. It's impacting your daily life and you are ready to break free from its chains. You're ready to explore therapy and support to help you heal.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Trauma and PTSD?

Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime. These traumas can range in severity from a car accident to abuse or neglect, the sudden death of a loved one, a violent criminal act, exposure to the violence of war, or a natural disaster. All forms of trauma and its effects are valid, but some may be easier for people to recover from than others. Some individuals will be able to recover over time with the support of friends and loved ones. Other individuals will discover they have effects of lasting trauma that can cause deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or posttraumatic stress long after the event has passed.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of trauma include:

  • Intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event
  • Flashbacks which can feel like reliving the event
  • Avoidance of certain people, places, or activities that remind you of the trauma
  • Difficulty sleeping or nightmares
  • Hypervigilance or feeling constantly on edge
  • Negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself, the world, and the future
  • Low self-esteem
  • Anger or irritability
  • Anxiety, depression, numbness, or guilt

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Image of a woman in a grey shirt sitting and staring off. Representing someone ho could benefit of meeting with a trauma therapist. Through trauma therapy and PTSD treatment you can move past this feeling and start feeling better.Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that occurs when someone experiences a traumatic event in their life. However, it is diagnosed when the symptoms of trauma do not go away and become chronic. Some of the symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, difficulty sleeping, hypervigilance, or feeling constantly on edge. PTSD can be debilitating and this is why if you feel as if it is impacting your life, it is important to seek help.

We Make It Our Mission to Help You Heal Through Trauma Therapy

At Betterview Counseling and Trauma Recovery, our trauma therapists understand that you are taking a big step to seek support. It takes a lot of trust and courage to open up about the traumatic events in your life. This is why we use our years of experience and specialized training in trauma recovery, to create a customized treatment plan that is unique to you, your circumstances, and your lifestyle.

Our trauma therapists have worked with many individuals who have struggled with the lasting effects of their past trauma. They were reliving the incidents in their dreams, and feeling like they were stuck in a moment of fear. After starting therapy with us, they were able to process their trauma and gain the tools to move forward with their life.

If You Feel Stuck, That's Normal. Our Job is to Provide You with the Tools to Move Forward.

We use evidence-based practices and interventions to help you free yourself from the chains of your past trauma. You can gain back a sense of control, peace, and stability in your life. We will always place your best interests in the forefront and use only proven treatments and methodologies to support you on your journey to recovery and healing.

Our Approach to Trauma Therapy & PTSD Treatment

We approach trauma therapy and PTSD treatment with a person-centered approach because we know each individual and their trauma is unique. In trauma therapy and PTSD treatment, like all of our other therapy services, we only use proven treatment methodologies.

Image of a smiling woman in front of a blue wall and door. Showing the power of support from PTSD treatment in trauma therapy. Without the weight of symptoms of trauma you can start feeling happy and hopeful.For trauma therapy and PTSD treatment, we use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Reality Therapy. We also have our therapists trauma-informed and focused trained so they are better equipped to help any individual who is dealing with trauma. Our goal is to help you heal from the lasting effects of trauma. As well as equip you with the skills to move forward in your life.

Begin Trauma Therapy and PTSD Treatment in Reading, PA

Free yourself from the chains of your past trauma by beginning trauma therapy in Reading, PA at Betterview Counseling and Trauma Recovery. Our team of trauma therapists is here to support you in finding the right tools for you to heal and move forward in your life. You deserve to start your new beginning and we are here to help you on your journey. If you are ready to start Trauma therapy at Betterview Counseling and Trauma Recovery then follow these steps:

  1. Reach out or call 484-709-1381 to discuss trauma treatment options
  2. Schedule your first therapy appointment here
  3. Start healing and moving forward with trauma therapy!

Other Therapy Services We Offer in the Reading, PA Area

At Betterview Counseling and Trauma Recovery, we offer a variety of in-person and online therapy services at our practice located in Reading, PA. This way we can support you and your family. Besides Trauma and PTSD treatment, our therapy services include CBT therapy, individual therapy for adults, anxiety treatment, therapy for depression, and more. We approach each individual's treatment knowing everyone is unique and so should their treatment plan. Our therapists want to help you to explore what potential solutions are best for you and your situation. Ready to take the first step? Contact us today for more information about our services, our providers, and to schedule your first appointment. We are here for you every step of the way.